
It all started from a friend, a colleague, a peer . . .
From being bored with the same routine, from plateauing time and time again . . .
I wanted to get healthy, I wanted people around me who cared . . .

They called it constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity . . .

It's about taking the first step -

It's called CrossFit and I friggin' love it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stick to the Basics (Part II)

I have been gone for 5 days, I traveled from this wee little state called Connecticut and traveled to one of a few hulking giant states known as California.  I didn't get too much of an opportunity to CrossFit.  Actually, the only thing I did even remotely close to that was:

a)  Visit a CrossFit gym in Culver City, California:
b)  I got to play with a Lacrosse ball on the plane, same thing as K-Star's Blog that I want people to go check out;

Oh yeah, IT WORKS!

The really funny thing about the Lacrosse Ball, they will give you a hard time at the airport.  Airport Security asked me straight up, "You could hurt someone with this, huh?"

My answer, "Not exactly what I had in mind."  Little did he realize that the AgainFaster jump rope would probably do more damage than the Lacrosse Ball, either that or my brother's Kindle if we decided to get really aggressive on the plane.

But, I don't want to digress too much, so here is the story for today, (wrote more than a couple day's back):

The gap between cause and effect is otherwise known as lag.  If you, as the athlete, pick up an object with a rounded back, and your back hurts the next day, you know that the issue was improper technique.  Sometimes lag is short, like when you tweak a muscle lifting, and you instantly know it.  Or lag is long, and you aren't feeling something till the next day.  When we (as coaches) work with you on form, it is meant to reduce the variability within a given process.  So let's use the deadlift as an example.  If you deviate from the process of maintaining a safe lumbar spine position, then you put yourself at risk.  We provide cues to rectify any issues that we see.  Our quick fixes are meant to help you as you lift.  As you develop, you'll want to practice more and more.  It is not enough to work on it when you are at the box.  It is not enough to adjust once when you are lifting.  When you work with a Coach, you should be writing down your corrections and write down what you did well at.  The next time you lift, work on what you were told to work on.  If you set up for a Push Press, and time & time again the Coach says, "Feet underneath your hips." Write it down, and the next time, work on it.

If you are guilty, as most of us are, of forgetting a movement, Turkish Get-Up, for example; write it down.  The benefits far outweigh the use of time, ink, & paper.

"Today's planning must assume that the future can't be predicted - only prepared for."
                                                                                  -Michael Hammer

So let's prepare together.

-Coach Tony

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