Toughen up your skin for a moment - this one could sting.
Just going means nothing. There, I think that about sums it up.
If you are training for a sprint and all you do for training is run a 1 x 400 meters at 2 minutes all the time, I can be pretty sure that you will not get much faster than that. You have to run faster, more intervals, possibly shorter distances, etc.
I had a tough time figuring out how to put this in words. To me, it's like trying to ask someone what they do for a workout and the response comes out to, "Well, I walk at work." You have to do more than just walk at work
Not exactly what I would call working out, just my two cents.
Sweaty and dirty, with hints of exhaustion in the form of heavy breathing - that about sums up some form of working out (please do not misconstrue this with 30 min of the shake weight). Pushing your body to a limit - and then going past it.
Trying something new is always fun - ever try and do gymnastics? Always a good time.
How about lift some heavy shit off the ground? No, it's not this "I lift things up and put them down."
I mean lift some heavy shit off the ground:
I think the point is clear - you have to push yourself - key ingredient: you.
Push, or as mentioned in one of yesterday's classes, "Grow your intestinal fortitude. . ."
If you don't have some muscle fatigue in the general vicinity that you were working on (please, I know that certain movements are compound movements and aren't necessarily isolated like bicep curls) then I would reconsider the stress that you were putting on your body.
Just a quick note, a funny video to watch, and some wise words to end with:
If it's easy, do it faster, if it's still easy, try something you ain't good at.
-Coach Tony
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