
It all started from a friend, a colleague, a peer . . .
From being bored with the same routine, from plateauing time and time again . . .
I wanted to get healthy, I wanted people around me who cared . . .

They called it constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity . . .

It's about taking the first step -

It's called CrossFit and I friggin' love it!

Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Years Wish

If I could have everyone set their goals in CrossFit and share them with me, that would be a start.  New Years is two-fold, everyone talks about what will happen next year, but what about the reflection of this past year?  Did you attain the goals that you strive so hard for?  Did they fall by the wayside as you found something else to work on, forgetting what you originally set forth to do?  It's okay to reflect on the past, the past is not something you wish to stay in, but as long as the lesson you take makes for a better future, by all means ruminate.

CrossFit has the potential as a program to take you outside of your comfort zone daily.  In life, this can happen, but doesn't happen often enough because humans have the tendency to be creatures of habit - or so I am told.  For many, CrossFit has started to become that habit, and even though we stay by the mantra of "constantly varied, functional movements, executed at a high intensity" - we start to live in this domain for our workouts, but not for our lives.  Whether you want a new job, a new car, more moolah (aka money), there has to be a way in which you can get there.  The lessons that we discern from CrossFit can help you. 

1)  Get out of your comfort zone - because if what you do everyday is the same thing, you'll get the same results, remember what Einstein said:
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."                            -Albert Einstein
2)  Give it your all - because if you half-ass something, you get half-ass results and I don't know about you, but half an ass is gross. 
"Your life is not a rehearsal. Don't leave it without giving it your all."
                          -Author Unknown

3)  Find someone to help you - you CrossFit with a Coach, they are a mentor, a friend, someone to help you with technique, with pace, with your abilities.  They assess your current state and help you attain the goals that you set.  Have you done this outside of CrossFit?  The same principles reside.
"Get rid of the negative people in your life - surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you."
                         -Author Unknown

4)  If you didn't do something today to help you tomorrow, what have you done to help yourself?
"Think of yourself as a toy train. All toy trains de-rail now and then. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track. "
                        -Author Unknown

So in conclusion of 2010, I am going to continue the goal and achieve the 1000 CrossFit Total in 2011, I attempted it twice, 935 and 915 respectively.  I used the Wendler Program and the Russian Squat Program to start developing more strength.  I began stretching more and doing more research on mobility and stretching.  I have watched hours and hours of videos on Olympic Lifting, Strongman Lifting, Mobility, and Gymnastics.  I have researched questions that concern the athlete's at our gym, I have had meetings with other Coaches at other gyms, my gym, and folks in the Physical Therapy field.  CrossFit is not the end all be all, they are not the expert in individual sports, but as they delve into different genres of sports they break movements down and start to immerse themselves to learn.  I am the same way.

Therefore, a couple of New Years Resolutions that I want you to hold me accountable for, and feel free to post your own or come see me.

1)  Walk on my hands - handstand walking is friggin hard, but needs to be figured out.
2)  Ring handstand push-ups - with 50 pistols prior to it.  (Cause who doesn't want to be upside down on rings. . . .)
3)  Get you to achieve your goals

What better way to start my New Year than to help you!  Let's get it done.

"A change from unhealthy habits to healthy habits will yield extraordinary results."
                         -Author Unknown
-Coach Tony

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