
It all started from a friend, a colleague, a peer . . .
From being bored with the same routine, from plateauing time and time again . . .
I wanted to get healthy, I wanted people around me who cared . . .

They called it constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity . . .

It's about taking the first step -

It's called CrossFit and I friggin' love it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If Its On The WhiteBoard

I think I can say with a certain air of confidence that if something is written for a workout, chances are that most folks are going to try and do it as close to what it says . . .

Now the CrossFit Main Site ( posts workouts three days on - 1 day off.  Their workouts can be super intensive (this is determined by the individual) and certain boxes (gyms) can adhere to that strict schedule or they can create their own workouts for their clients/athletes. 

The first thing anyone wants to do is what is considered prescribed; what's affectionately known as Rx. This can be quite intimidating - to the beginner and the experienced folks alike.  When dealing with a movement that is outside of the nine foundational movements, I think Olympic Lifting and certain powerlifting movements fall into this bucket (maybe even Thrusters right?), the level  of complexity is an afterthought because people look to the weight.  Last night was a pretty good testament to that, as we discussed a caveat to said weight (135 lb Thrusters for men / 95 lb for women) - that is heavy.  It was heavy for anyone of any level, so the discussions began and continued all night - what is the appropriate weight?  It can be difficult to determine, for any workout in particular, but when performing a movement that isn't as familiar, I tend to err on the side of caution when determining load.

Hey Coach, is this too much weight:

He actually didn't show up for class last night, bummer cause he would have done well . . . I think.

So don't be down on yourself for not having done any workout Rx.  Last night required focus on a couple different levels - technique and doing 1 rep at a time.  I mentioned to a number of folks that it isn't about the entirety of your workout that you should focus - it's getting through the repetition that you are currently performing properly.  Focusing on 1 rep allows you to focus on technique.  Focusing on technique allows you to do something correctly - and when the time comes to start moving really serious weights (at whatever level athlete you are) - technique will pay off more than how fast your last time doing it was.  And when you focus on the rep - you at the very least don't pay attention to how much is left - and before you know it, the workout is done, you feel accomplished and. . . . then you fall down to the floor, exhausted and complete.

Alright - let's get some work done today!!

-Coach Tony

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