
It all started from a friend, a colleague, a peer . . .
From being bored with the same routine, from plateauing time and time again . . .
I wanted to get healthy, I wanted people around me who cared . . .

They called it constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity . . .

It's about taking the first step -

It's called CrossFit and I friggin' love it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Focus On the Prize

There is no difference between the competition and the practice - or so most would like to think. . .

The way you practice is the way you compete.  Period.

Except, in practice you are allowed to slow down and curb your enthusiasm to narrow in on executing that technique.  As you become more and more polished, you can pick up the pace, developing a smoothness that transitions into making you flow like water down a river.

But the premise of this post, outside of a night of coaching, deals with a little bit of focus.

"The focus is on the prize, but the determination of exactly what that prize is, lies within you."

Therefore, let's take a moment to figure this all out:

There is the over-arching prize of health and fitness.  Yippy!!  Making it to "the box" (gym) and exercising is an overall goal.

Then there is the competitive spirit that happens to shroud your body like a cloak and seizes your mind.  This is the thought process of winning, of being #1, of finishing for the title of first.  This thought process can lead to poor technique, a lack of focus on ROM (range of motion), and a possible (note that I said possible) eruption of emotion that can lead your focus on said prize astray. Not to mention, you could be miscontrued as a heller.

So the last prize, the one where focus should always be, would be each rep. 

What do I mean?

I mean, each rep completed to it's standard, engaging you both mentally and physically, living in the moment of what you are doing, and successfully moving until the next rep is finished and you complete the workout, is the prize.  Because if a Coach or a Judge tells you "no rep", not only is it dis-heartening, it takes you out of your game.

Your game = your pace, your attitude, your demeanor, and your style.  If those become out of sync, then it takes that much more effort to get back to where you belong and where you once were.

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”
 - Alexander Graham Bell

- Coach Tony

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