
It all started from a friend, a colleague, a peer . . .
From being bored with the same routine, from plateauing time and time again . . .
I wanted to get healthy, I wanted people around me who cared . . .

They called it constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity . . .

It's about taking the first step -

It's called CrossFit and I friggin' love it!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Squat It!

I heart squatting. . .

Whatever way it really doesn't matter, front, back, overhead, 1 arm, 1 leg (seriously - pistols {difficult}), but seriously I love em.  It takes a ton of muscles and a ton of focus, and lately it seems like everyone is doing them.  So I want to talk about them...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Incoherent Thoughts

Attitude is everything - in life, sports, competition, etc.

If your a defeatist (a person who has a acceptance of defeat without struggle) chances are every endeavor you start will end in failure.. . let's try and curb that shall we?